Creatures that live between childhood memories and humor.
My artistic playground is where childhood memories morph into mischievous creatures, brought to life through sculpture and animation. This process allows me to unearth the purest emotions dormant in my heart, evoking a nostalgic utopia. Each creature contains a hidden story and ecosystem, inviting exploration through inductive storytelling.
My work thrives at the intersection of the physical and digital. I specialize in crafting 3D animation infused with traditional techniques like metal fabrication and stop-motion. This approach allows me to breathe life into digital creations by adding a layer of tangible texture, often missing in purely digital environments.
For instance, I use a metal welding gun as a drawing tool for animation, a technique showcased in my last two films, "Weldy’s Creperie" and "A Digging Dog’s Mystery.", literally "drawing" with sparks and molten metal. I love how this powerful, masculine tool can create the most childlike doodles. Reversing these professional tools for my playful creations is key to my work.
Beyond animation, my sculptural work also embraces this fusion. I use a 3D doodler, a 3D printing pen, to create sculptures like a dog house bouncing atop a bronze-cast dog sculpture. The act of hand-drawing these sculptures feels more direct, intuitive, and pure, establishing a connection that differs from using a 3D printer machine.
Through my work, I celebrate children’s play—the fearless exploration and pursuit of even the most absurd imaginary things. These childhood memories are precious to me, and I aim to incorporate them into my future work, cherishing the fearless creativity of a child's perspective.