In this unique tale of Eggman's "Trauma about the Yellow," Eggman spends his days tirelessly discarding cracked eggs without ever pausing to contemplate what an egg truly represents. He mechanically repeats the same task day in and day out, oblivious to his own actions. One day, amidst a pile of lifeless eggshells, something extraordinary happens. He encounters a living chick nestled among the dead eggs—a miraculous sight. The yellow chick approaches Eggman like a savior, infusing him with a sense of hope akin to being reborn. However, in a cruel twist of fate, the yellow chick vanishes into the abyss of death, turning the world's most beautiful happiness into the most dreadful despair. Overwhelmed by unfathomable fear, Eggman flees into his home, escaping into the pages of a book.